Monday, May 01, 2006

Finding muscles I didn't know about - it can only be because of the extra work caused by the move.

Latest is my right arm.

I'm supposed to 'help' gom with an exercise programme but with a sore arm it's not been possible as his legs are a 'dead weights' and it hurts me to just to lift them to do the stretches/exercises without even trying to push against his legs when they don't want to go :(

On top of this they can sometimes go into spasm when I've been holding them which has probably contributed to my problems.

Have had a couple of massages that have included some work on the arms which has helped a bit, but...... It also give me a good excuse to have baths rather than showers although showers at home aren't really viable at the moment because of the water pressure (hardly anything coming out of the shower head).

Managed to make some sort of inroad to the garden at the weekend - got a mower and got too the lawn - but it had been allowed to get too long and was a real struggle but got there in the end nealry started to have problems with my back again but I think I was able to pack up just in time.