Saturday, February 04, 2006

Oh well everything is back on hold again.

everything seemed to be 'bobbing along' quite nicely until last Tuesday when we had a call from the agent to say that our buyer's buyers wanted to move into his property by the 13 Feb. We can't do this as we won't be able to get David to his sisters - she's away from 9th to 19th.

He then came back and said could we do 6th or 7th..... NEXT WEEK - we said if the solicitors were ok then we supposed we'd have to. Called the solicitor he was ok, so wednesday I was ringing around all the various care organisations that we use.

Late Wednesday, we had a call from Rodney (our solicitor) for us to go and sign the contract(s) Thursday Morning for exchange on Friday (3rd).

While we were in signing, a call came in, one of the other solicitors wasn't ready - they now wanted 27th, but as it's a Monday, we said we'd prefer the 28th so that we can get David to his sisters over the previous weekend and I've then got the monday to do the last minute packing.
No more news yesterday so assume we're going with the new dates. So NOW I've got to ring round again on Monday and change everything that I arranged on Wednesday AAGGHH.

Also got to try and minimise the amount of space taken up by all the boxes that I packed up on Wednesday - at the moment I have two stacks almost ceiling high..........