Friday, March 24, 2006

Well we're going into our last weekend at our current place. Last meal won't be anything special - gom want's to keep it light ;O

Then sunday afternoon braving the roadworks on the M1 to get him to his sisters THEN I've got to do the return journey :( a few hours l8r.

Had our completion statements from the solicitors today with the bill for the outstanding fees and arranged payment.

Monday moring someone from the rmoval company is coning to help with the final pack up - hopefully if the weather is with me tomorrow I can get down the garage and get that end of it ready for Tuesday. I will then be able to do the bulk of the cleaning leaving me minimal to do on Tuesday.

Don't have to pick gom up again until Thursday by which time I shoukld be reasonably straight ..... HOPE?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Move now stalled indefinately :(

GOM paid his mortgages off 17 years ago however the buyer's solicitors found an outstanding charge still against the flat for one of the mortgage companies. OUR solicitor hasn't been able to track down anyone from the company who can help - although it is still listed as a 'live' company the only 'occupants' of their registered office seem to be solicitors who are 'administering' the company - submitting annual returns - but they don't appear to be doing any business.

We are now getting DAILY 'phone calls from the agents marketing the bungalow and last night the vendor phoned to talk to gom 'Are we serious about buying the bungalow' OF COURSE WE ARE, but being scottish he doesn't seem to understand the difficulties of the english conveyancing.

OUR Solicitor has found a contact who is a senior? director of the mortgage company who is also a director of RBofS who we're hoping may be able to sort the mess out and write to the land registry to clear the charge as no one else seems to want to take responsibility.

In the mean time we are stuck here surrounded by packing cases and boxes :(

One up side is that we found an old building society pass book that shows two amounts going out of the account to pay the mortages, but unfortunately there is no payee details.